Piktocharts…….the role of infographics in teaching

I wonder if we (and by this I mean everyone who teachers) realize that teaching is not only concerned with the written word and text-based materials? Its been a slow move towards understanding that visual images are as powerful as the written word. When I first started teaching words were paramount – teaching and learning involved words, language, text and visual images were the domain of the visual arts teachers. I used be quite envious of them and the different ways their ‘content’ or information could be presented, it never occurred to me that I could use visual images. One of the great advantages of living in our current context is that we have stepped away from text-based communication, visual images have been proven to be just as valuable in teaching and learning. As new tools and technologies emerge, there are new ways for presenting information in a visually enhanced way. Learning theories have evolved and visual learners are now understood and include din classroom practices. We keep unlocking more information and understanding about how we actually learn, it really shouldn’t have been a surprise to any of us that we learn in a variety of ways – visually, physically, via our senses, textually…..this list is endless. What is exciting for me as a teacher is knowing that I can use all of these different approaches and I will be a more effepiktochartctive practitioner.

One of my favorite tools (at the moment, which changes constantly) is Piktochart – what a great way to present information in a mode that merges text and visual tools into one – I often use these when introducing a new topic to a class, or as a summary tool – students can create them for projects or assessment (have a look at one I made recently on Blogging). They can be used as tools to support oral presentations (wonderfully helping us to avoid death by power point boredom…..). i was recently preparing a poster for an upcoming conference and I used Piktochart – it was much more interesting and looked more professional. It forced me to be succinct and less wordy and really consider what images I could use to support the message. Interestingly it took me longer to prepare than usual, as an infographic is not an easier or lazier way of presenting information, it requires careful thinking and pondering of how text and visual images can work together to present your message. Watch this space though, whilst I am raving about Piktochart at the moment, I may discover another rather handy infographic tool shortly……..and it will be history!

Digital Convergence

digital convergenceOne of the consequences of living in a digital age is that all of my different roles, parts of my life and pursuits are starting to converge. I hesitate to make any statement beginning with “my generation” but the reality is that when I first started working my private life, my interests and hobbies and my professional life were all very separate. They were much more physically tied to specific places – such as where I spent free time or what I liked to do in those moments were not at all connected to a device nor were they online. Now, these different aspects of my life are tied to different digital devices; I have a work ipad, desktop computer and other digital tools – when I go home I have my personal ipad and laptop. Some of devices are used in both spaces, such as my iphone and laptop but its what I am doing on these devices that has made me think about the blurring and convergence that is happening. Time is a big issue, the separation between these two spaces is no longer constrained to being a ‘working day’, I rarely leave work at work. The sense of being connected to that part of my life is constant, either through email or databases or even just Googling a particular topic or idea. How I spend my leisure time is increasingly digital – I have a huge addiction to games, love them in all forms, video, music, apps – I find it relaxing and addictive. I also seem to have been using more web-based tools to replace things I used to do ‘physically’ such as bookshops replaced by virtual libraries, book by ebooks, my personal trainer has been replaced by an app and smart device, tv by the web, going to a shopping centre and walking around replaced by online shopping…..its all quite endless. The nature of my work has started to closely resemble my personal life and how I spend it – I feel like my worlds are converging, no longer do these feel like separate spaces. This isn’t a bad thing, I don’t regret any of these changes, in fact I think it has made life much easier as the skills I need and constantly use keep improving making both spaces easier to use and negotiate around. Not sure if many would agree with me, but I think the convergence has been a really interesting side effect.